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 The World that never was

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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSat Jan 29, 2011 8:29 am

This is gonna be an Organization XIII rp I'll be suitchi in his nobody form
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link mart hobo#7

link mart hobo#7

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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSat Jan 29, 2011 1:00 pm

is it k if im a heartless? cause i dont feel like changing lendax to a nobody seeing as he was made to be a heartless
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSun Jan 30, 2011 6:44 am

Sure go ahead
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link mart hobo#7

link mart hobo#7

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PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSun Jan 30, 2011 10:08 am

yay ^^
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PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSun Jan 30, 2011 12:01 pm

[I'll go first]

The soft splatter of rain echoed through out the city that lay in nearly complete darkness the rumble of thunder adding to the miserable weather and to make this weather even more un appealing a dense fog spread through out the city making it hard to see." Always raining.... does it ever stop? Ever since that day it hasn't stopped raining....." On top of a building sat a figure shrouded in near complete darkness. He wore a long black cloak with silver zippers running down the length of material. A hood was drawn over the mans face hiding his face in shadow. He was a tall man skinny. Though he didn't look like much he had an air of great power surrounding him. He cluched a letter in hand looking down at it. He had had that letter for as long as he could remember. But it made no sense no matter how many times he read it over in his mind it always came out as a blank. For three years he had been living in this world with his comrads or could they be called that? He remembered how he got here well. He had woken in a town laying in front of a smoldering wreckage that had once been his house from what he could gather with no memory of any thing that had led up to it. The one thing he knew was some thing was wrong he felt empty inside like some thing was missing he could no longer feel. A few days later he was approached by some one dressed in the same cloak as him. His name was Saix and he said they were looking for nobodys like him. At the time he didnt understand but came to very soon. He joined their group of people like himself and became number fifteen. Ever since then he had visited other worlds in search of answers to his past maby some thing would come up so far the only clue he had was the letter which he had found in the wreckage of the house it was a short letter with the last few words being Your destiny lies beyond this world. He placed the letter in to his pocket and stood up." Well I won't find answers by just sitting around Xemnas has given me permission to look for these answers when Im done my asignments. He opened a corridor of darkness and stepped in,
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link mart hobo#7

link mart hobo#7

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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSun Jan 30, 2011 4:53 pm

Lendax was walking down a street in the World That Never Was. Lendax was wearing black robes with a strange heart-like symbol with spiked lines going through it. He had an air about him that made most people hate him the moment they looked at him, esspecially if they knew him. He looked up just in time to see a corridor of darkness being opened. "excellent" he muttered in a smooth voice. Lendax 'warped', so-to-speak, right outside the corridor of darkness and steped through it right before it closd.
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeWed Feb 09, 2011 4:40 pm

Walked out of the portal on the side of a cliff the sky a blue streaked with red. The smell of salt on the air and the sound of waves crashing in to the side of the rock were enough to set the tone for this place. In the distance lay a town with a huge clock tower in the center. He opened another corridor and appeared in the town. He walked from a dark ally nobody paying the slightest bit of attention to him even at the way he was dressed a person in a long hooded trench coat not able to see the persons face. Twilight Town was a place the Organization were always their experimenting and watching the Heartless activity. He passed by Demyx who was playing his sitar out playing to a crowd of people." Hey mr.! " Sixuc looked down at a small boy holding out a bat." How many times can you hit the ball?" He took the bat and looked at him. How much is in it for me? 500 munny!" He nodded Your on." He hit the ball and it flew in to the air and used air dash to flash fast and hit it back and forth within five minutes he hit the ball over a thousand times with out it touching the ground shattering the record." Wow mr that was amazing! The contest courdnator handed him a bag of munny." Thank you kindly sir." Sixuc walked away with the munny heading for the market place.
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link mart hobo#7

link mart hobo#7

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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeWed Feb 09, 2011 6:09 pm

Naturally Lendax had come out of the first portal to the same place. After a bit of searching he has spotted Demyx and Sixcu. Leaning against a wall, he waited. As Sixcu walked past Lendax said, in his smooth malicous voice "he he he, you're not too bad"
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeWed Feb 09, 2011 6:37 pm

Turned his head tword the speaker." Hm.... What are you doing here landex? Snooping around again?" He had known this man for many years before they had lost their hearts to the darkness. I havn't seen your face for nearly two years where have you been last place I saw you was in the land of Dragons."
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link mart hobo#7

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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 2:52 pm

Lendax laughed lightly, he himself had only figured out where his old friend was that day, when he was in the world that never was "Has it been that long? Well, as for what i've been doing; i've been gaining power through.... various means.... with some interference from organization XIII. Which i see you've joined, so i'm surprised you didn't hear anything about me. And you asked what i was doing here? You were right to say i was snooping, old habits die hard."
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 5:03 pm

Smirked."Well old friend you were always snooping when we were kids." Granted I was the same way We always got in trouble. Even in to our teens we were in trouble constantly then after that it's a complete blank last thing I remember was waking up in front of the old hang out burnt to the ground and this letter in the wreckage adressed to me. I remember asking you about this before you left to find your answers and you knew less than I did. So I ask again have you found any answers to why we lost our memories?"
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeFri Feb 11, 2011 1:27 pm

"Ah yes, I gave up on that quest long ago, I was close, but now instead of searching for pathetic memories, I've been going after power." His smile had a very evil, cold look, instead of a warm, friendly look you'd expect to see when reminising with an old friend.
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSat Feb 12, 2011 9:52 pm

Thought for a moment." Ive been in seach of power as well but I still need to understand what happend it's been coming back to me every time I sleep" he shook his head and turned to see Demyx still playing the Sitar. It was strange Demyx had looked familiar to him from the day he'd joined the Organization as if he'd known him before then like an old friend." Look I just need answers is all
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSun Feb 13, 2011 8:42 am

Shrugs "If I were you, I'd try asking Ansem the Wise for help with your answers, and if I was me, I'd know he's in no condition to help you, and that I have suspiciouns about why our memories were lost, but only mere suspiciouns hehehehe."
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeMon Feb 14, 2011 9:57 am

Nodded." well I've been sent to do recon in Hollow Bastion I made a detour here for a side mission to look for an imposter he's been running around wearing our coat and causing a lot of trouble.
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeThu Feb 17, 2011 1:22 pm

"hahaha, so you're after Riku as well, eh? well, as it happens i know a bit about him unlike our last subject. So, tell me what you know and I'll tell you what I know?" Lendax spoke so that demyx couldn't hear his voice, it wouldn't do to have anyone else from organization 13 notice him.
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeThu Jun 09, 2011 5:34 pm

He opened another corridor of Darkness it was good seeing you again Lendex Try not to cause trouble with the Organization were just doing our jobs in the worlds. He walked through the portal and appeared on the bridge connecting to the castle in Hallow Bastion. As he walked he felt a pressure in his head and fell to one knee as pain shot through his head. Images flashed through his head or was it a memory. He walked through a sliding door he was dressed in a white lab coat carrying a clip board. He stopped at a near by desk." Hey Lendex Lord Ansem wants to know whether you finished your report on the Heartless in lab C. I just handed in my report for the Heartless in lab f and I have to say those are some incredably dangerous Heartless one of the guards was killed by one and it might need to be destroyed.
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2011 1:49 pm

Lendax smiled and muttered, "I'll cause as much trouble as i ne..." He gasped as he felt a quick pain in his head and the same memory flashed in his head.
Lendax, dressed in a black coat of leather instead of silk and without his heartless symbol, like he was in the present, turned and said, "Hmm, that's unfortunate, the dangerous ones always prove more interesting." He shook his head. "Well if it needs to be destroyed, so be it. Anyways, I'm nearly done, only have a few more statements to add in."
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2011 2:59 pm

Smirked indeed they do."Also Xeahnorts been asking weird questions again and I caught him looking through my research I think hes trying to steal my reasearch if I find he is he'll be dealing with more then just the memory loss he suffering." An evil smirk crossed Six's face at the thought of a good fight. Even at young age Six had always been vicious fighter showing no mercy and craving battle that was how his clan had been before he was left homeless do to his clan being wiped out. He shook his head trying to calm down his killer instinct." What should we do about it?
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2011 3:18 pm

Lendax grinned, he had seen this bloodlust in Six quite often "Now, now, control your violence. annoying a pest as he is, he is also very valueable. So, what kind of questions was he asking and what papers did he see?"
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2011 6:40 pm

He asked me about the door we had discovered a few months back where it led and the Darkness surrounding and the percentage of Heartless that came through. And he asked me If I heard the voices from within
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSat Jun 11, 2011 4:40 am

"Well, I wouldn't know about the voices, but he's getting too curious about the door, we should put a stop to that before he learns anything."
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSat Jun 11, 2011 1:23 pm

Nods." Yeah or some thing bad might happen we've been forbidden by our fearless leader to not go near it but I can't help but wonder what lies behind it." He considered it for a moment when some one walked by. It was Xehanort." What do you want? I've come to make a proposition to you both.
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link mart hobo#7

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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSat Jun 11, 2011 1:53 pm

Lendax's eye narrowed. He frowned and asked, "What's the proposition and why us in particular?"
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSat Jun 11, 2011 3:00 pm

Havnt you ever felt that our master has been keeping things from us? he told us to destroy our research on the door and to stop our study on the darkness itself? Now why would he do such a thing and he refuses to tell us why don't you find it just a little odd?
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSat Jun 11, 2011 4:34 pm

Lendax spoke carefully, "Hmmm, it is curious why we should spend our time researching about darkness, and than, we were so close to a break through, be ordered to stop, but I'm sure Ansem has his reasons, even if he has no desire to share them with us. Now, what is your proposition, Xehanort?"
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSat Jun 11, 2011 8:46 pm

Looked at them both." I say we gather up the other apprentices and do our own research in an underground labrotory I discovered in the computer room near the castle Ansem would never find out even he doesn't know of the labs existance I already have a few of the others with me I was just wondering if you'd be interested."
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSun Jun 12, 2011 5:53 am

A quick hunger flashed in Lendax's red eyes, but that only lasted for a fraction of a second before it disappeared, returning to an expression of indifference. "That's a very tempting offer, I'll give it some serious thought, what about you Six?"
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSun Jun 12, 2011 8:12 am

Thought for a moment. " An interesting idea." He looked down at his clipboard the last experiment he had done on the door had been outstanding the darkness ratio had been off the charts beyond that of the previous ones. Suddenly a flash of his hunger for knowledge showed in his eyes curiosity burned in side of him." Look at these charts from the last experiment I made five months ago the darkness ratio is over whelming. If we go through with this we could find some thing truly amazing we could be on the verge of a ground breaking discovery we would out shine ansem and rub our discoveries in his face showing how much of a fool he's been. But I'm only going through with this if you are Lendex because I still don't fully trust you Xeahnort." Six passed over the charts to lendex looking at Xeahnort. There had always been some thing about him that made Six uneasy. How polite he was and his scientific ablility and the control he seemed to have over the other scientists who folowed every word he said
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The World that never was Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World that never was   The World that never was Icon_minitimeSun Jun 12, 2011 9:18 am

Took the chart and read it over. His eyes widened in surprise, "That's unnatural beyond anything I've seen since we started these studies.... Yes, I think we should agree to this. But we should be careful that we don't become puppets of Xehanort, as I'm sure is his overall goal. Also, Ansem will try and stop us, and he shouldn't be underestimated."
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