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 stupid stories shin posts kuz she's a loser

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PostSubject: stupid stories shin posts kuz she's a loser   stupid stories shin posts kuz she's a loser Icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2014 9:22 am


"it's no good, this one wont work either."

the sounds of a voice ringing in my ears, oh god it's been a while since I've heard another human. turning my head to the sound I cry out for help. they had to come, they just had to.

"hey, look at this one over here, I think it's still working." another voice called while casting a shadow over me.

yes! yes! oh god you don't know how long it's been since I've seen another person. I've been stuck under this electrical pole forever, I can't feel my legs anymore.

"no...this one's broken too."

"but the lights are on and everything..surely we can fix this."

fix me? yes I need help! I'm pretty sure I wont be able to walk after this, I haven't been able to move for quite a while.

"we could use the metal though, unplug that damn thing. it's making that god aweful shrieking sound that they make when they break down."

"but, alright...I still don't see the point in ruining a perfectly good robot. after the war these things all shut down when most of us died..."

"just take the metal and lets go..."

robot? no, no, no, no! I'm human! I'm just like you! see I'm just like you

"get back!! this thing is still functional!"

blinking I look at my out reached hand. no..that wasn't right. it was all metal and gears, not skin like I remembered. that's impossible I'm human, not a robot. I remember the war, and my girlfriend being dragged away by those mechanical monsters. I remember holding her as she died. I can't be a robot. I just can't. it's not possible. I'm alive. I'm alive!!

"look...this one must be a personal model. I bet someone put alot of heart into placing a personality modus and even a memory bank in's a shame...seeing someone's hard work going to waste."

I let a cry as I felt a pressure on the back of my head. no, no, no, no, no! I'm human! I remember it all! I remember everything! I'm not broken! I'm alive!
slowly everything went black after a little click was heard. I was alive...I was human...not a robot. I remember everything.
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PostSubject: Re: stupid stories shin posts kuz she's a loser   stupid stories shin posts kuz she's a loser Icon_minitimeSun Sep 07, 2014 9:47 am


it was funny how everything just fell before her eyes. a familiar playfully dark tune played in her head as she tightened the ropes and made adjustments to her set up. after all she didn't want them to squirm too much. they were her guests after all.
humming on and on she moved over to the mirror, her dark haired, green eyed reflection stared back with the same smile.

"hailey? hailey what's going on?"

turning she cast a glance at her once best friend. oh, of course she had waited too long. not that she minded. "oh, I just thought I'd treat you to a pleasant surprise! isn't this a lovely present?"

"i-is this about the prank?? look we're sorry! please just let us go!" the girl cried while struggling against the preparations she had set.

"oh no! I'm not nearly as petty as that. you see, you've just met with a streak of bad luck, call it a sort of hexed time period. you're very lucky you know. he's very selective of who he feeds on." hailey smiled while examining the others in the room, of course the stools she had set up were just starting to break. oh dear this would take to long.

moving over to the last of the three she had managed to bring to her lovely home she kicked the stool away and watched as the body of her friend fell and reveled in the sickening crack her neck made when the rope tightened around the neck.
the girl on the far end screamed and cried for her friend. "oh god hailey stop it!! we never meant to hurt you! just please let us go! I don't want to disappear!"the teen sobbed.

"stop calling me that name..."hailey screamed while kicking the next stool away and finishing off the next girl with a sickening crack. "hailey is the girl that was pushed around by her friends and family...hailey is the girl that watched as her father abused her mother, and then let her mother abuse her. no, I'm not hailey...I'm far better then she ever could be. call me hexxi now..doesn't that sound so much better?" she chimed while moving over to her friend on the end. "now that you're fully awake I suppose I'll leave you to feed him. he's been waiting oh so patiently..." the killer smiled while motioning towards the window towards the faceless man in the window.
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PostSubject: Re: stupid stories shin posts kuz she's a loser   stupid stories shin posts kuz she's a loser Icon_minitimeWed Oct 01, 2014 8:26 am

the difference between angels and demons (nigthphase and audities stuff)

angels and demons in regular lore are sworn enemies, in the human bible they are always at end with eachother. angels are the moral compass and demons are the ruin. but in reality things are much different.
since there is no one true god, but 30 gods that rule together under the laws set by the mother and father gods(which are also the ones capable of making gods in the first place) there has to be a balance of power. any god that refuses to comply with the natural order and seeks to take control of something other then their natural element would create problems for the world.
because of this angels were created. as opposed to the ideals that humans have of them they are essentially god killers. they function like a well oiled machine to eliminate the threat and bring the natural energies back to the father god for rebirth.
of course because of this angels are factioned out. some of them are designated protectors (michael, gabriel, uriel), some of them are elemental (shin'yuu and mushrin) capable of handling certain energies that the protectors cannot touch. due to this the elementals are looked down upon. this of course is due to the sturdier build of the protectors whom are meant to take a hit from the massive gods, the elementals need selective dragons to protect them from harm as their bodies are riddled with problems most of the times.
the dragons provide healing energies to the angels much like the way the dragons provide healing energies towards their sibling dragon. this is also why shin'yuu lives twice as long as most other angels of her breed, most angels usually only have one dragon but shin has two which provide twice the life force, in turn it keeps the dragons alive up until her vacation(s). this is true for most elementals.
angels are also notorious drinkers, consuming more then five times the average amount drinking of any other race (followed closely by vampires and knolls). the race is also keen on indulging themselves on food and even partake in activities that go against the code of what humans believe they live by.

demons on the other hand exist purely as a counter part for angels. at any point in the life of a human they can be taken to heaven with the help of angel food, but almost always a human will be reborn as a demon. this is mostly because of the negative feelings towards vacation(s). the more unsavory the vacation(s) the more likely you'll be reborn as a unique race of demon with abilities that might surpass even the king (which is unlikely as he is the highest anyone can get through breeding with other demons)
unlike the thoughts that humans produce of them they are actually a peaceful race that bears no ill will towards humans or other mortal races. in fact they are usually more morally right then the angels we believe to be so holy.
angels run on instinct and there for have no written code or laws to follow, only ideals that many break. demons however have a successful economy with written laws and codes of conduct that are usually followed religiously.
however compared to angels demons are more agressive and more likely to attack if given the slightest reason to. this is usually because of how demons are reborn though....and is actually no reflection on the race as a whole.

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PostSubject: Re: stupid stories shin posts kuz she's a loser   stupid stories shin posts kuz she's a loser Icon_minitimeThu Oct 30, 2014 10:29 am

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PostSubject: Re: stupid stories shin posts kuz she's a loser   stupid stories shin posts kuz she's a loser Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2014 12:35 pm


fades are a unique breed of spirit that have been categorized under the races nightphase rule over. due to their complex nature and having not been naturally born and instead made these beings are usually left to the better judgement of shin'yuu. as such she is the only one known to have an actual "cure" for those afflicted by these beings and the beings themselves.
while hunters will often turn a blind eye on these beings it's not uncommon to find a younger hunter stalking a fade due to the similar habits shared with boogeyfolk. this act however is never used to save the people in the dream state induced by the fades and will consequently kill the dreamers upon the fade's vacation(s) unless they are already [4filter], in which case the souls of the victims will be left to change into fades themselves in much the same way if a human soul consumed the parent fade themselves.
 hunter notes:
"fades are a race of shadows. no one knows how or when they came to be but it's known that the gods had no hand in it. that being said these creatures are fueled by a fundamental need for companionship and a desire to feed off of living emotions and life energies. because of these needs it is not uncommon for a young fade to trap humans and feed off their life while the humans sleep and dream.
 humans that have died under the spell of the fade will eventually turn into fades themselves and fuse with the energies the parent fade will put out during the sleeping sequence. because of this victims will disappear alone. by the time they realize that they've died and the fade no longer needs them it will have been too late and the process has already begun.
 once the parent fade has died off the human soul will be left behind to slowly rot away and turn into the essence of a fade. because the influence of a fade is not natural or supernatural the gods cannot move to ease the pain of those afflicted. some elemental angels though have found ways to ease the process and give fades a second chance, but this is a very few number who will actually do the ritual. this is mainly because of how crude it is compared to shin'yuu's version.
 humans who have strong will and mind may have a choice on if they wish to feed or not. of course there are ways around this, such as taking a host to feed off of (which is one of the few things needed in shin'yuu's ritual) and the strong will or desire to change something.
 under normal circumstances a fade would not have the strength to do such things.
fades reside in shadowy places that are kept away from the rest of humanity and will spend their days hiding in thick over growths to avoid the harsh sunlight that weakens their bodies. (it should be known that fades that have undergone the ritual may stay with their feeding host even in the day light however prolonged exposure will lead to more feedings that will have to take place)
the average fade will usually resemble an animal of some sort, or maybe a mix of animals. the most common forms are dogs, cats, birds, frogs, bears, and reptiles. it's not uncommon to find a mix of any of the animals listed. each form is allowed certain abilities.
canine forms allow for more activity in the day and strong bonds with a feeding host, alternatively they have to feed more then any other form.
feline forms will allow for better hunting at night, hunters looking to stalk feline fades are advised against engaging them in dark places or at night as they become extremely hostile and unpredictable.
bird forms are usually the gentlest of the forms. they will care for and protect their feeding hosts or people trapped by them as if they were one of their owns. it's ill advised to engage one near it's hosts or victims as it will go straight for kill strikes.
bears are much the same as birds and will guard their victims/hosts with their lives where as other forms would rather move on and let their hosts/victims go.
frog/amphibian forms will live in damp places and will hide their victims religiously often times covering them in mud or even cleverly disguising them as thick overgrowth and brush.
reptiles will often hide their victims in broad daylight, often in higher up places where it's easier to bask in sunlight. subsequently reptile fades will have a larger hunger meaning more victims will usually be taken at at time.
human fades, while uncommon are extremely dangerous as they can change their forms and even move faster then the average fade. it is ill advised to attempt to go after a fade in a human form at any point. if a human fade captures a human it's a sure vacation(s) sentence.
the body of the fade will look either like it is made of a heavy smoke or smog or it will look like it is made up of a heavy goo. on some occasions it will look like a solid mass but usually it will appear as if it is made of a smoke/smog or mud/goo. all bodies are somewhat transparent in appearance.
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